Te Kōtuku Festival - Ruapotaka Marae, Glen Innes - Saturday 24 November

Kia Ora everyone

We have the schedule for next Saturday's performance and here are the key things to remember.

The festival runs from 9am - 4pm and many of our local schools are participating.  This is a great opportunity for our tamariki to watch other schools' roopu (groups), understand a bit more about kapa haka and connect with our local community.

We need to meet at 11.55am at the Glen Innes Community Centre.  

Getting Ready

  • only our tutors are able to help the tamariki get ready - any extra help is provided by the festival organisers
  • when we are dressed, we move to the marae and an official photograph will be taken.  Our tutors will bring your childrens' belongings to the marae
  • whānau can wait for the performance by the stage area - we are performing at 12.55pm, after Glen Innes Primary.

Other things to know

  • around the stage are plenty of activity stalls - it would be great to support this event if you are able to spend extra time either before or after the performance
  • there will be media coverage of the event - in agreeing for your child to attend, this is deemed to be your acceptance that they may be filmed.  
  • parking areas are as indicated on the map - Line Road, Maybury Street and Taniwha Street.

Event map
