Ka poipoia

Ka poipoia was written by Rob Ruha in April 2000 for a production held in Gisborne.
It tells the story of Rob's tipuna (ancestor) Tūwhakairiora's grandfather, Poroumātā, who read the sky in a calm night and decided to go fishing.

It doesn't have a happy ending unfortunately for Poroumātā as his decision to go fishing resulted in his death.
Rob Ruha wrote this song to retell this important moment of his ancestor's life.

Maori Lyrics

Ka poipoia ahau i te pō marino e
Te Korowai o Te Atua; taku whare okioki
Tērā ngā whetu kōrikoriko, te marama tai ahoaho
Hei hoa mōku i te poho o taku whare okioki
He kapua i Te Ikaroa, mōku mō aku takahanga
Hei hoa mōku i te poho o taku whare okioki

English Translation

I rest in the calm, still night. 
The stars and the sky act as the cloak of God and becomes my place of rest. 

The sparkling stars are out, so is the full moon. 
They become my companions in my house of rest. 

The clouds in the milkyway are showing me my pathway. 
They become my companions in my house of rest.

Sing along with Matua Chris